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Boost Your Business

Produced in Kent has secured government funding to support 125 Kent &Medway based businesses in the food and drink sector.

If you are a producer or hospitality business in Kent or Medway, you could be eligible for free business support via the new scheme, Boost Your Business.

The scheme offers marketing and promotional support, 1-2-1 business advice and signposting services, plus two planned Boost Your Business events within the 2 year project.

Business support package includes help with:

  • Social media Employment
  • Accounting Networking
  • Distribution Events
  • Sales Packaging

The support will be tailored to your business needs.


As part of the Business Boost package, you will receive 4 articles on the Produced In Kent website, which will be included in the coinciding newsletters.
We will ask you to provide content for this, but can help with any ideas you have, and when best to make use of this extra publicity.


You will benefit from shared posts and stories as part of your package.

Our reach includes:

  • A mailing list of over 15,000
  • Over 10,000 followers on Instagram
  • Over 5,000 followers on Facebook
  • Over 18,000 followers on Twitter
  • Over 5,000 visits to our website every month


Produced in Kent has a wide network, and can signpost you to the right people that will help your business grow, You will have access to our industry and strategic partners such as Sharp Relations, KFMA, Locate in Kent and Kent County Council.


There will be two planned Boost Your Business events, where you will benefit from meeting prospective buyers, hear some great inspirational speakers, and get to network amongst other members and industry partners.

For more information, contact Beckie Alves: 07919 351954 Email: BECKIE.ALVES@PRODUCEDINKENT.CO.UK