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Eco Explorers Workshop 1

18th-24th August 2022

Eco Explorers - Family Workshop

Outdoors workshops for young people with learning difficulties and their families to reconnect with nature.

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Families will enjoy nature-based activities including growing vegetables, creating natural habitats for birds & insects, learning basic outdoor crafts & preparing fresh food to eat. During each session we will all harvest and prepare vegetables for a shared lunch of produce from the field.

These workshops are a unique opportunity to be part of our educational activities and give children the chance to learn and appreciate nature, food and the world around them.


27/07/22: Go on a bug hunt, help with growing tasks on the field & make a bug house to take home.

04/08/22:Discover different herbs & make herbal teas and scented treats to take home.

10/08/22: Look for birds around the site & make bird boxes/ feeders to take home & help with seasonal jobs on the field.

18/08/22: Learn how to grow your own windowsill veg, decorate a flowerpot, & help with seasonal tasks on the field.

24/08/22: Learn about butterflies/bees & how to attract them to your garden. Make a feeding station to take home & help with seasonal tasks on the field.

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