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11th-11th June 2022

LEAF Open Farm Sunday

Vis­it a farm on LEAF Open Farm Sun­day, 12th June 2022 and find out about the sto­ry behind our food and how farm­ing affects our every­day lives. Each LEAF Open Farm Sun­day event is unique. Activ­i­ties range from machin­ery dis­plays, trac­tor and trail­er rides, through to demon­stra­tions, nature walks and much more!

This year, LEAF Open Farm Sun­day takes place on Sun­day 12th June 2022.

If you are think­ing of vis­it­ing an event, you can find a local farm to vis­it clos­er to the time here.

Togeth­er let’s show­case British farm­ing on farm­ing’s annu­al open day: LEAF Open Farm Sunday.

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