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Tenterden Folk Fest Mummers 3

5th-5th January 2023

The Guisers Are Coming Thursday 5th January 2023 (Twelfth Night) 8:00 PM Live On Zoom

Tickets from £5.00 with all profits going to the Disasters Emergency Committee ( for use in whatever appeals they are concentrating on at the time.

For the poor the whole of the Christmas period was difficult and they needed to go guising, or mumming, or hoodening or whatever else they called it locally—perhaps just carol singing—to survive. For the better-off Christmas did last a whole 12 Days with partridges in pear trees and lords a-leaping. Christmas Day itself used to be just a holy day, the main day for celebrations and presents was 12th Night so that’s when we will celebrate.

Bring a bottle of your favourite tipple and some left-over Christmas cake and join Pete for a ‘different’ Christmas event which will include several of his favourite and most popular stories.

Please make sure you enter your email correctly so we can send you the Zoom link.

Supported by Tenterden Folk Festival and Around Kent Folk

<Read more about Pete Castle>

Tickets from £5 from

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