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14th-16th September 2021

University of Greenwich Students In Your Business Event

The University of Greenwich, in partnership with Step, is pleased to announce an exciting new showcase event.

After many positive engagements, the University Account team felt that this opportunity was one to be shouted about. Creating this event to promote the University of Greenwich’s new MSc with Industrial Practice (IP) courses to the wider market, as well as giving employers a chance to learn more in an interesting and interactive way.

New for 2021, this MSc with Industrial Practice showcase, allows employers to come along and find out more about:

  • The University of Greenwich & its teaching facilities
  • The Natural Resource Institute
  • The MSc with Industrial Practice courses on offer
  • Innovative student research projects
  • Connect with the faculty and University of Greenwich students

This breakfast event is set to take place virtually week commencing 6th September 2021 (official date TBA) and is open to businesses of all sizes from the engineering and food sectors.

Five MSc with IP disciplines will be represented at this event:

Attendees must register their interest to ensure that they are allocated into the appropriate virtual breakout rooms, to enable them to join in with conversations regarding the course/s most relevant to their business. Each breakout room will last approximately 30 minutes, with the entire event programmed to run between 8:30 – 10:30.

More information about the event will be released in the coming weeks, to register your interest and secure your place follow the link below:

Registration of Interest Form

If you have any queries regarding our students or post-graduate placement opportunities, please click the link below or contact:

Email –

Phone – 01634 779 887

Postgraduate Placement Features FAQ’s

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