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Bore Place Bat Evening

4th-4th August 2022

Wildlife Gardening Club: Bat Evening

In a change to our regular session day and timing, this month we will be running an evening bat walk for club attendees to get a better look at Bore Place's nocturnal wildlife.

Bore Place, Bore Place Road, Chiddingstone, Edenbridge, Kent TN8 7AR, UK

Book Here

About the Wildlife Gardening Club
This workshop is part of a year-long FREE Wildlife Gardening Club at Bore Place, offered in collaboration with North West Kent Countryside Partnership. The club meets every Friday at Bore Place (10:00-13:00) to learn and share ideas for improving habitats and encouraging wildlife into your garden. It is a friendly and informal group and no previous knowledge or experience is necessary - you don't even need to have your own garden! You are welcome to dip in and out, or attend every Friday. Bring a friend or come alone, there will be friendly faces to meet you!

Each month there is a bookable guided and themed workshop (like this one) with an emphasis on learning, which can then be built upon through the month until the next themed session. The other bookable workshop are all on the Bore Place What's On webpage.

What to wear/bring
Wear comfortable clothes and boots suitable for the weather and activities. Bring a packed lunch and a water bottle. Hot drinks will be available for a tea/coffee break.

If you would like to attend but don't have access to transport, please let us know as we may be able to offer a pick-up and drop-off service.

How is this free?!
We are grateful to Involve Kent for providing funding to support this Wildlife Gardening Club which is designed for people in our local community aged over 55 or with a long-term health condition. In order for us to access funding to provide the drop-in sessions and bookable workshops, we will be asking participants to complete a short survey at the end of the session.

Adult tickets: Free

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