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Bore Place Constellations

18th-18th November 2022

Learn The Constellations

Enjoy the starlit skies above Bore Place and be led through the constellations by local astronomy group, the Edenbridge and District Astronomers.

Bore Place, Bore Place Road, Chiddingstone, Edenbridge, Kent TN8 7AR, UK

Book Here

If the weather is cloudy, we will have illustrated talks indoors about the constellations so you're prepped to go star spotting on the next clear night.

The walk will be over uneven ground so may not be suitable for those with limited mobility or wheelchair users. Please enquire if you would like further information.

Important Info
Please dress for the weather and wear sturdy boots or wellies.

Suitable for interested children aged 11+. If your child is younger and would like to come, please call us to discuss before booking. Children must be accompanied at all times.

We want our events to be accessible for all – please let us know if you require any additional information or adjustments and we will do our best to accommodate you. We offer free tickets to essential companions – please use the ‘Any Special Requirements’ box at checkout to let us know if you would like to book one. You can also contact us on or 01732 463255 to chat about your requirements.

Adult tickets: £8.00
Child tickets: £6.00

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