Besides the many challenges that Covid has thrown up, it has equally presented some exciting new opportunities for our sector. Customers love local, Government rulebooks on sustainable food systems, public procurement and food waste are being rewritten and the digital transformation of our society is opening up a whole host of new business opportunities.
Produced in Kent has the expertise, experience and professional networks to help your business navigate this new world we are living in. We are here to amplify your voice as passionate marketeers. We play an active part in food policy development on regional and national level. We are a closely-knit community of entrepreneurs that work together, help each other out and share valuable information and expertise. We are the voice of food and drink in Kent.If we want that voice to become louder, we need to grow our membership. With this in mind, we are offering existing members the following discount scheme, in return for referring new businesses to our network:
Referrals must be food & drink businesses (Full Members) or Artisan Craft businesses (Associate Members).
To take up the offer, just drop us an email with the name of your business and the business you're referring, or who is referring you to:
Produced in Kent is a great organisation who promotes our business and shouts about local producers.
Thank you So much Produced in Kent! Really truly grateful for your ongoing support, you guys rock! xx
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