Canterbury Festival Event at Chartham Vineyard Gallery
In October, seven Kent artists will be exhibiting work arising from their pilgrimage along the Augustine Camino, a 67 mile walk which links the cathedral cities of Rochester and Canterbury with Saint Augustine’s church at Ramsgate and takes in the changing landscape from the chalk plateau of the Kent North Downs through pastures to the marshes of Thanet.
The pilgrims are Liz Garnett, Alexandra Le Rossignol, Sonia McNally, Fiona Taylor, Bay Lees, Marion Lynn and Caroline Hymers. They have walked through the winter months from November 2019 to March 2020 experiencing the seasonal changes in the landscape and nature, and visiting Christian places of worship along the route, all of which have inspired their art through a variety of media including paintings, iconography, sculpture, ceramics, photography, charcoal sketches stained glass etc.
The exhibition is at The Vineyard Gallery Chartham, as part of the Canterbury Festival and is on the following Saturdays: 10, 17, 24 and 31 October 2020, open 10.30am to 5.30pm. The wine shop and historic buildings in the farmyard will also be open at these times.