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Edible Culture Logo

5th October 2021

Edibleculture taking part in East Kent Artists’ Open Houses in October

We will have work from five different artists over three consecutive weekends (9th&10th, 16th/17th,23rd/24th).

The artists (who you may well already know) are all local and their work links very nicely with the theme of horticulture. At least two of the artists will be up here each weekend (maybe more…) to discuss their work with visitors. Here is the link with more information on them:

East Kent Artists’ Open Houses | Faversham | Kent Arts and Artists (

We will also have our neighbour Amandine from Jacques et Lilie here each Saturday. She makes the most delicious and authentic French cakes and tarts, and good strong French coffee. Here is her website:

Jacques & Lilie (

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