75th Anniversary of Fordson E27N Celebrated at Heritage Transport Show
The 2020 Heritage Transport Show, organised by the Kent County Agricultural Society, is celebrating 75 years of the Fordson Major E27N and is looking for owners of this model to exhibit at the show.
The Heritage Transport Show is celebrating a year of anniversaries in 2020. The South East Bus Festival has been part of the Heritage Transport Show for 10 years and will also be celebrating the 50
th anniversary of London Country Bus Services. These special dates coincide with the 75
th anniversary of the Fordson Major E27N, which is being celebrated at the Heritage Transport Show with a display of a variety of different types of the marque.
Also known as the High Major or ‘sit up and beg’ model, the E27N was made in England from March 1945. It was the first model that offered a tractor fully equipped with 3PL, PTO, full electrics and an adjustable width front axle straight from the dealer. Organisers of the Show would like enough of these tractors to form a ‘27’ as a tribute to this interesting model.
Steven Pike, chairman of the Heritage Committee at the Kent County Agricultural Society, said, “the Heritage Transport Show is a great event for celebrating the changing face of transport so we’re really excited to be marking the anniversary of the E27N with a large display of them. It will be a great opportunity for visitors to see the model in person and for owners of the tractor to meet each other.”
The Heritage Transport Show is a celebration of vehicles and transport over the last 100 years. The Show is expecting over 1000 vintage vehicles including cars, buses, tractors, motorcycles, steam, stationary engines, military and commercial vehicles. The Show also hosts a Victorian fairground ride, the Headcorn Ukulele Group and a selection of trade stands.
The Heritage Transport Show is on Saturday 4 April 2020 and is currently accepting applications to exhibit vintage vehicles. Organisers of the Show are especially looking for owners of the E27N to join their anniversary display. Entry forms can be found on the event website or by calling 01622 633061.