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Spadeworks gardening

4th August 2021

Gardening at Spadework! Open to all members of the community.

We are now booking spaces on our eight-week social and therapeutic horticulture project Each Monday from 26 July – 13 September (1pm - 4pm) or Each Friday from 30 July – 17 September (9.30am – 12.30am)

Have you spent a lot of time on your own recently?

Would you like to take a gentle step out of the house to meet other people? Would you welcome an opportunity, through gardening, to ease back into some sort of routine?

If you or someone you know answers yes to any or all of those questions, you might like to find out more about “Time to Grow”, a new Spadework project which offers members of the community a chance to find their way back into “normal” life.

Caroline, a member of Spadework’s staff who is passionate about the positive benefits of gardening, will be sharing her knowledge and skills in this project, which is open to anyone who would like to spend some time gardening with us.

We will provide everything you need to enjoy a few hours here, including a cup of tea or coffee.

Book your place now, by calling 01732 870002 or e-mail

Cost £7 per session or £40 for eight sessions booked in advance

Spadework, Teston Road, Offham, Kent ME19 5NA

Pumpkin portrait


In 2019 Spadework celebrated 35 years of providing care, support and meaningful opportunities for adults with learning and other disabilities.

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