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The corner house Salad

13th July 2022

Heritage tomato salad with goat’s curd by Matt Sworder

Serves four

In this recipe the sweet flavours of the colourful tomatoes are paired in a dish with a light and creamy goat’s curd, while the dressing elevates the flavours to new heights.


400g Heritage tomatoes, different colours, shapes and sizes

2 banana shallots, finely diced

3 sprigs tarragon, picked and chopped

50ml rapeseed oil

Squeeze of lemon juice

250g goat’s curd, buy the best quality you can find and afford

Pinch of caster sugar

Handful of small salad leaves such as frisée or pea shoots

Salt and pepper


1/ Slice your tomatoes in creative ways to make the plate look pretty and interesting

2/ Place the tomatoes in a mixing bowl and add the shallots, tarragon, rapeseed oil, a pinch of salt and pepper and a pinch of caster sugar

3/ Mix gently and taste. Arrange on a plate.

4/ Toss and coat a few salad leaves with the leftover dressing in the bowl, scatter over the tomatoes and place a dessert spoon of goat’s curd on top

Corner House

The Corner House Canterbury