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Tony 2018

1st December 2020

Introducing Kent Recruitment Bureau

Flo caught up with our newest Industry Partner, Tony Line from Kent Recruitment Bureau Ltd

Why is KRB keen to work with Pink in particular?

Initially, I set up Kent Recruitment Bureau to offer permanent accountancy recruitment to companies and accountancy practice in the county. Over the past nine years, this has remained a significant area of business, but I wanted to develop the offering to help many more companies. I feel that it is essential that we retain our talent in the county, rather than lose it to those commuting into London. Some companies are unable to grow and develop as they have not been able to find/ attract the right members of staff.

I understand that some employers might not want or need a full recruitment service. So I have developed the Kent Recruitment job board which enables companies to advertise their vacancies. Becoming a Partner in PinK will allow me to bring a range of recruitment services to companies that may not have previously considered. With preferential recruitment and advertising rates, I hope that these services will make it possible for PinK members to find the new members of staff they need to take their businesses forward.

It is essential that as a Kent Business, we use and support as many other Kent Businesses as possible.

The Kent Recruitment website is soon to have a new Directory of local Freelancers on it. So, if a PinK member needs short-term help with Human Resources, web design, business advice, life coaching, or many other skills, they will have access to many talented people.

We are committed to helping people in the county by giving free advertising on our website to local charities for their volunteer vacancies. Generally, we have 100+ vacancies advertised.

Pink members are currently faced with many challenges: no physical events to meet customers and buyers, lost B2B trade, a second lockdown, a potential hard Brexit – how important is recruitment support in this volatile economic climate?

This year has changed many things for all of us. Standards that we thought we could rely on have disappeared. To survive, companies have had to adapt. Adapting your business often requires new skills. If you don’t already have those in house, then I hope that Kent Recruitment through its range of services will be able; to help members find those new skills and resources.

What positives have come out of the Covid crisis that you feel our members, with your support, can build on going forward?

The Covid crisis has accelerated some cultural and business changes that were already starting. It has also forced some companies to adapt, upgrade their businesses and often adopt new technology. I feel that the organisations that survive this crisis will ultimately be better and have a longer-term future.

I am happy to act as a sounding board to members on to the best ways to recruit staff. I am not a qualified HR professional, and so can’t advise on that area, but sometimes, it is helpful to talk through the process.