1st August 2023
So pleased you have joined us as the new gleaning coordinator – tell us a little bit more about yourself 😊
- Hi all, My name is Rapheal Mutu. I am an accounting and finance student at the University of Kent going into my 2nd year. I have always admired and been intrigued by the agri-horticulture sector. Every living individual on earth partakes in the consumption of food and so this sector is very significant and yet it seems that at times it is completely ignored. My aim is to change this by encouraging more people in my generation to bring innovation and youthful zeal to the sector.
Why were you drawn to the position of gleaning coordinator in the first place?
- Gleaning is a terminology that I was already familiar with but I was surprised to here that it was still taking place in modern day England. I saw an opportunity to actively and charitably strive towards sustainability. In 2023 this can be considered as ‘gold dust’.
I initially was just going to register to become a volunteer but when I heard of the opportunity to be the coordinator, I jumped at it because, I knew that being the gleaning coordinator would expose me new knowledge and experiences in the sector that I would not get elsewhere. It was a once in a lifetime opportunity and I wasn’t going to let it slip through my hands.
You have only been in post for a little over a month - what has been the most memorable bit so far?
- Without a shadow of a doubt it has been being able to attend the FruitFocus event at East Malling. As I mentioned I am always hungry to learn and understand more about the complexities of the sector. The FruitFocus event highlighted that the sector had a talent shortage as most young people don’t even consider agriculture or horticulture related jobs when making career plans. Hearing this has made me even more eager to compel more students to embark on gleaning. I believe the experience will open their eyes to a wonderful sector that they often shun.
What can our members do to support the project?
- The best thing members can do is to spread the word about gleaning with the aim of getting family members and friends to sign up as volunteers. I appreciate that everyone is very busy in this sector and that is why we are only asking that people dedicate 4hours a month to gleaning. The more gleaners we have on board with they project the food we can get to those who need it most. I have no doubt that the loyal and faithful Produced in Kent members will give this project their full backing and support!