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Ferry april web 24

16th May 2023

It's asparagus season at The Ferry House Inn!

Asparagus takes three years from planting to first harvest, and after spending 48 weeks of the year laying dormant, it's fair to say our asparagus is a labour of love.

But the wait is well worth it!

These homegrown spears, served within 48 hours of picking, are no comparison to their limp & woody imported supermarket brethren. Since 14th April our garden team & chefs have been picking fresh asparagus from our three beds every day and will continue to do so for the next four weeks, yielding around 60kgs in that time. So, to make the most of this magnificent seasonal vegetable, our team of chefs have put together a mini asparagus menu so you can try it out in all its glory. Try it now before it's too late! &

Ferry house may web 14

The Ferry House

The nearest faraway place from London...