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Green Farm Community Wildlife Garden 001

19th November 2020

Kent charity seeks green-fingers volunteers

A charity in Shadoxhurst is building a community of volunteers with an interest in gardening, nature and the environment.

The Pearce Coggan Foundation helps people to connect with nature who might otherwise find it difficult to do so. Based at Green Farm on Duck Lane, the organisation hosts regular family camps for people from inner-city areas. It also runs a Community Wildlife Garden which offers school visits and work placements for young people and volunteering opportunities for adults seeking to improve their health and mental wellbeing.

The Mayor of Ashford, Cllr John Link, recently visited Green Farm to find out more about how the exclusive boutique spa and retreat venue supports the local community via the Pearce Coggan Foundation.

Councillor Link commented: “I am most impressed by Green Farm’s beautiful facilities for their clients but also the incredible work they do with local schools in the Ashford borough, their outreach work into our communities and also the charity part of their business in giving back to the young families in London.”

The Pearce Coggan Foundation has ambitious plans to grow all the vegetables needed to feed the families who come to the regular family camps it hosts with fellow charity, Outdoor People. To achieve this, the charity is seeking support from volunteers who can help build raised beds for planting and composting and create seating areas, as well as taking on tasks such as weeding, seeding and edging.

If you’re a keen gardener with time to spare, please get in touch with Maryann Pearce-Coggan by emailing

Winters morning 001

Green Farm Kent

Nestled in the Shadoxhurst conservation area of Kent, the Green Farm estate comprises a nature-inspired boutique spa, a 15th-century farmhouse and converted barn, a small active farm with grass-fed cattle and sheep plus other livestock, and a community wildlife garden. ​