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12th July 2019

Kent County Show offers more for Gardeners

The Kent County Show has boosted it’s offering in the Garden Life Marquee for it’s 90th Show on 5, 6, 7 July 2019. New in the area will be talks from some of the top names in gardening and horticulture. Jim Buttress will be appearing on the demonstration stage and will be talking about his 65 years in the industry where he’s won eight gold medals at RHS Chelsea, worked on the Royal Parks in London, including Buckingham Palace, and judged for BBC Two’s Big Allotment Challenge. Nick Woods, botanical horticulturalist for Kew Gardens, will be speaking on environmental management and horticulture. Charlotte Molesworth, owner and creator of the Balmoral Cottage Garden in Cranbrook and famous for her organically maintained extensive topiary, will join Jim and Nick with a talk on topiaries. Jim will be talking on the Friday, Nick on Saturday, and Charlotte on Friday and Sunday with more to be announced. The Garden Life Marquee also hosts competitions from the Kent branch of the National Association of Flower Arrangement Societies, the Kent Federation of Horticultural Societies, and the Kent Beekeepers Associations. To celebrate the 90th Kent County Show, the NAFAS classes are all themed around ‘Time to Celebrate’ and for the first time, welcome entries from non-members in some of their classes. These are joined by the Kent County Agricultural Society’s Flower Show classes, which include hanging baskets, and exhibition and garden displays, all with prize money for the winners and runners up. The Society also holds a miniature garden competition for children to encourage an interest in gardening and the outdoors. For the first time, the Kent County Show will host the Women’s Institute Huxley Cup for flower arranging. The prestigious competition will see beautiful entries from WI federations from across the country for a chance to win. The Huxley Cup has been running since 1938 and will make a stunning addition to the Garden Life Marquee. Garden Life coordinator, Meghan Rice-Wilson, said: “It’s brilliant to have so much going on in the Garden Life Marquee for our 90th Show. We have some fantastic speakers on our demonstration stage and we are also excited to host the Women’s Institute Huxley Cup with the East Kent Federation of WI’s, who this year celebrate 100 years. Not only will Jim Buttress be delivering a talk, he also joins us as our Flower Show judge. We’re thrilled to welcome him at this special Show.” The Flower Show is accepting entries until 24th May and the Floral Art competitions until 3rd June. Schedules are available online and can be requested from Meghan Rice-Wilson on 01622 633057 or Visit the website to find out how to enter the Garden Life Marquee’s other competitions and to find out more. Press Contact: Becky Parrock 01622 633058

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