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19th May 2021

Have Your Say

Kent’s Plan Bee, Kent County Council’s pollinator action plan, has launched a pollinator public perception survey. Commencing the same month as Plantlife’s national “No Mow May” campaign, the survey hopes to gain a better understanding of the public's perceptions on pollinators and wildflower management. It also will offer people the chance to share their views on the future of Kent’s pollinators. This information will then be used to inform the development of action we take in the delivery of Kent's Plan Bee.

The deadline to submit your answers is 31st May. To have your say and learn about pollinators on the way, follow this link to complete the survey.

If you want to be informed about Kent’s Plan Bee and other pollinator news, follow the new Plan Bee Facebook page:

#KentPlanBee #pollinatorsurvey #HaveYourSayKent

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