1st December 2021
In a nutshell:
1. We build a mushroom farm in shipping containers, on land donated by Quex Estates and grow Grey Oyster Mushrooms. This is a high-value, fast growing crop that can be turned around in five weeks.
2. Part of the harvest we sell fresh to boost the coffers of the foodbank and fund its work.
3. The bulk of the mushrooms, however, we will use to empower house-bound clients to establish home-based micro-businesses by making gourmet mushroom products in the safety of their own home kitchens.
These clients will include those with chronic illnesses that keep them indoors, survivors of domestic abuse with child care responsibilities, and the elderly needing purpose in their lives.
Video and full details here: https://www.spacehive.com/margate-mushrooms
Who benefits?
Firstly, we immediately create 1 full-time job, 1 part-time job and a bunch of volunteering opportunities on the farm.
Next, we create a number of home-based micro-businesses, so those individuals and their families benefit through increased income, improved confidence and purposefulness.
Both the above benefit by having truly interesting and rewarding work to do!
The whole community benefits through access to fresh and preserved super-nutritious mushrooms, with a food mile count of exactly 4 miles.
The Foodbank benefits from becoming sustainable and less reliant on grants to do their work.
To date, we have raised £26,000 and we are 61% funded, but we still have a shortfall of £17,000 to go.
Can you help? Any pledge, large or small, will help us meet that shortfall.
Our deadline is 15th December to raise the full amount, so you can imagine enthusiasm to get there!
Please pledge here: https://www.spacehive.com/margate-mushrooms
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