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Farm shop photo dec 17

19th December 2017

New Years Resolutions at Spadework

Are you hoping to sail through your New Year resolutions without temptation? Well, if your goals include healthy eating, no alcohol and cutting down on chocolate, maybe you’d better not visit us at The Farm Shop at Spadework! Hold on just a minute, I hear you cry - They sell loads of home grown and local fruits, salads and vegetables, and a range of healthy nuts and seeds. Not to mention wholemeal breads and bread flours, and of course, their own cloudy apple juice made from freshly pressed local apples. Perfect for healthy New Year meals or a green smoothie! That is all true. However, we also stock a large and delicious selection of local cheeses and locally cured cold meats, local wines, beers, ciders spirits and liqueurs, mouth-watering local chocolates and a whole wall full of old fashioned sweets. Not to mention rich, buttery hand baked biscuits and home- made cakes, to help you through the long cold January days ! Spadework’s Garden Centre, Cafe and Farm Shop is open to the public seven days a week. There are plenty of warming healthy soups and much more on our menu. If you really want to be healthy, you could always leave home just before we close… That way you’ll have to jog to make it here on time!

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