2nd March 2020
Produced in Kent strategy & 2020 plan, introduction to PinK Ambassadors - Floortje Hoette, Chief Executive PinK
Presentation to Produced in Kent - Karima Kamel, Business Development at Locate in Kent
Reduce Overheads, Realise Efficiencies, Mazimise Grants Presentation - Rob Robinson, Sustainability Business Project Manager at Kent County Council
Produced in Kent strategy & 2020 plan, introduction to PinK Ambassadors - Floortje Hoette, Chief Executive PinK
Locate in Kent Presentation - Catherine Igoe, Business Development Locate in Kent
Sustainable Management Presentation - Rufus Howard, Director Green Friars (sustainable management advice)
Identify & Gain Access to Funding Presentation - Tracey Ann McRobert, Grant Funding Business Consultant
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