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26th April 2018

Rebrand for Dudda's Tun

Dudda's Tun Cider has been working closely with Sand Creative for the rebrand of its range of ciders and other off pack communications. The rebrand seeks to step away from the cider category clichés, drawing a line under its previous cream and brown tones and moving towards a more vibrant colour palette, with a more contemporary, upbeat feel. All elements from logotype to illustration style have been revisited. The famous Dudda character is still central to the brand and has seen him take on a variety of poses, reminding us that this isn't a cider brand that takes itself too seriously. The new bottled range will be officially launched at Macknade Fine Foods on Saturday 5th May. Sand Creative will continue to work with Dudda’s Tun to complete the rebranding of their full range throughout 2018.

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