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Rod Bere Artist S31 The Old Mill Stream Oare 176 25 Copy

31st August 2021

Rod Bere art travels well!

Rod Bere is a Kent based artist using oils on canvas to depict the beauty of the Kent Countryside. Just recently, his art has been travelling a lot further afield!

Last week, Rod sent off three more paintings to the USA, to a guy that bought one last month in Massachusetts.

He also recently had a customer from New Jersey who bought one painting, and then came back for another 22 for a new restaurant he was opening!

Rod sends many of his woodland paintings to the southern states, where the land is so flat and each large house is surrounded by several acres of fenced grass with not a tree in sight. They obviously miss having some beautiful wooded countryside to look at, and clearly have exceptional taste in art!

To check out Rod's current pieces for sale, head to