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Potash Green Cobnuts

17th August 2021

Seasonal Green Kentish Cobnuts from Potash Farm

A cobnut is a type of hazelnut traditionally grown in Kent and is one of the great seasonal highlights.

Green cobnuts are only available for a short time (between August and October) so customers are encouraged to place early orders to avoid disappointment.

These are continually sold throughout their short season as green and golden on the husks, golden brown on the husks, and brown on the husks - all with a distinct moist and nutty flavour.

If you want to try your hand at growing your own, we sell a wide range of trees and can offer you plenty of advice too.

As well as whole nuts you can find a great range of oils, sauces, and chutneys on our website for an added flavour punch to your summer meals.

Potash Farms Cobnut header

Potash Farm

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