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23rd August 2018

Spadework’s Harvest Festival Vegetable Competition

Do you have a marrow the size of a Zeppelin taking over your allotment? Or a python-like cucumber dangling in your greenhouse? In fact, if you have grown any extraordinary fruit, vegetable or salad be sure to enter Spadework’s Harvest Festival Vegetable Competition at the next Offham Farmers’ Market on Saturday September 8th. All entries must be in by 11:00am on the day. Winners will be announced at 12:45 pm. There are loads of categories, ranging from longest runner bean and heaviest potato through to the ugliest tomato or stick of rhubarb. There’s even one for the most perfect set of plums! Visit Spadework’s website or Facebook page for a full category list and entry details. Our usual stallholders will be at the market and the Garden Centre, Café and Farm Shop will be open. All proceeds from Spadework’s commercial activities help the charity to provide care and work based training for ninety adults with learning and other disabilities. Spadework’s Garden Centre, Café and Farm Shop are open 7 days a week.

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