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25th June 2018

Summer in full swing at the Farmers’ Markets

Summer is still in full swing at the county’s Farmers’ Markets. Most of the berries are in season which means we have passed the summer solstice and the harvest is well underway. For the freshest produce Kents Farmers’ Market are the place to shop. There are some great farmers’ markets in Kent and Tonbridge & Aylesford farmers’ markets are among the best in the County. There are cooking demos at the market kitchen every month involving producers from the market and our host Matthew Kearsey Lawson. Tonbridge Farmers’ Market is held on the 2nd Sunday of every month. 8th July 12th August 9th September There can be up to 55 producers at the market. It runs from 9.30am - 1.30pm and is in the Long Stay Car Park, Sovereign Way TN9 1RG Just in front of Waitrose. Aylesford Farmers’ Market is held on the 3rd Sunday of every month. 15th July 19th August 16th September Up to 35 producers in the height of the season. It also runs from 9.30am - 1.30pm in the grounds of Aylesford Priory, Aylesford ME20 7BX Also in August we are back with The River Market TN9, Saturday and Sunday 18th 19th. Riverfront market. 11.00am - 6.00pm. Street food, local produce and more. The Watergate, Tonbridge Castle. TN9 1RG. Part of the Back in Time to WW1 weekend. Contact details for all events are 07876 685853

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