23rd August 2023
Isn't it great to have some sunshine? We certainly felt lucky at last nights members event, hosted by the fab team Biddenden Vineyards Ltd. It really added to a relaxed atmosphere, some great conversations and was also a reminder of why we do what we do (and we don't mean the 🍷!)
Building a community that can support each other, collaborate together and shout about how amazing Kent is. It may sound cheesy but we really are stronger together.
Kent is a great place to live and work and sometimes its easy to forget that when the day to day stuff of life and business can be all consuming.
If you're a member, BYB or Industry Partner, keep an eye on the fortnightly Member Bulletins for details of the next event.
If your business hasn't joined us yet - find out more about all the wonderful benefits of being a Produced in Kent member business (including trips to vineyards!) on on the Membership page: https://www.producedinkent.co....
Mentioned in this post
The vineyard has remained family owned and is today run by the second & third generation, drawing on many years of experience in winemaking at Biddenden.
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