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Cachoeira Peaberry Coffee Low Res

21st February 2019

Unique Brazilian Cachoeira Peaberry Coffee Launches

There’s coffee and there’s Lost Sheep Coffee. Lost Sheep Coffee’s new Brazilian Cachoeira Coffee beans will blow any preconceived ideas you have about Brazilian coffee out of the hot water. This grade 1 speciality coffee scored an impressive 85 out of a possible 100 points (most chain high street coffee is only grade 3). Flavour-wise it has a soft warming body, with a light spiced nectarine acidity and a sugary sweet finish. Brazilian Red Catuai Peaberry beans are extremely rare and sourced directly from a super small microlot on the Barbosa family farm, situated in Minas Gerais (1105m) in the Cachoeira region of south east Brazil. Wanting to try something different, it was the owner Danilo Barbosa who decided to grow this extraordinarily high quality fruit, to see what sort of coffee it produced. He discovered it was exquisite and incredibly special. “Unlike many UK coffee roasters, we work directly with the Barbosa family and its farmers, Danilo and Victor Marcela and our personal relationship gives us access to the best quality. We are the only roasters in Europe selling coffee from this exceptional Cachoeira microlot.” Says Lost Sheep Coffee co-founder Stuart Wilson. “For us, coffee is always personal. By cuppings (taste testing) all the coffee we roast it allows the Lost Sheep team to gain a greater understanding of the different elements that make our coffee great and ensure that only the best most extraordinary coffee makes it into our customer’s cups.” Only available from independent fine food stores across the south east or online from from £8.95 for 250g bean or ground. This coffee is best served black as a filter coffee using the pour over filter method, Aeropress or traditional cafetiere. Lost Sheep Coffee is an independent Kent based speciality coffee roastery with shops in Canterbury, Ashford McArtherGlen outlet and the roastery is based in Whitstable. Lost Sheep Coffee is a member of Produced in Kent & the Speciality Coffee Association. The Barbosa farm and its produce are proud members of the Rainforest Alliance and the Brazilian Speciality Coffee Association.

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