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Wild Box at Macknade

Bar celebrating local spirits at Macknade

Wild Box at Macknade cosktail 2

With an unrivalled passion for championing locally produced artisan spirits, and fresh fruit from Kentish farms, we specialises in providing premium cocktails and mobile bar services.

Beginning life as a humble horse box bar, Wild Box now operates at two locations in Folkestone and Faversham and provides bars to a private and corporate events. We also retail a wide range of cocktail gift boxes and offer cocktail classes to private and corporate clients.

Our permanent bar at Macknade can be found in the Food Village. It is here that we can demonstrate our true to our passion for showcasing Kent produce, Wild Box uses all local beers, ciders, spirits, and fresh ingredients. Mixed with knowledge and passion it’s the perfect cocktail to create an exceptional experience for our guests.

So whether for business or for pleasure, contact us now to book a Wild Box bar for your next event, or visit our online shop to discover our range of premium cocktail boxes. Or come and try a cocktail at one Folkestone.