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Wye Wholefoods

Whole food shop.

Coming soon to Wye!

We are a new wholefoods shop based in the village of Wye owned by sisters Kathryn and Jessica. Currently we sell a wide range of products including; nut butters, nuts and seeds, herbs and spices, eggs, juice, crackers, beans and legumes, chutneys, jams, honey, tea and coffee and seaweed. All our products are available for click and collect through our website. Gift cards are also available to purchase. We work with a range of suppliers, including many that are local, British and cooperatives, and are continuing to expand our range of nourishing foods with even more local and organic products. Some of our most popular products are also now available from our refill station including our homemade granola!

Updates can be found on our website blog, Facebook and Instagram.

Opening hours:

Wednesday - Friday 8:30am to 2pm

Saturday 8:30am to 12:30pm