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Lavender bunches Castle Farm

14th June 2022

Fresh Lavender Bunches have arrived!

Lavender Season is early this year! This week at Castle Farm we have been busy cutting our first fresh Lavender bunches.

Even though our event fields are still brightening up, our early flowering Folgate variety is perfect for bunching. It smells magical and you can split the bunches to hang up at home for drying.

Fresh Lavender bunches are available outside the shop daily for the short season, but we also deliver beautiful boxes nationwide on 24 hour overnight service. So if you are unable to reach the farm – or wish to send to someone as a gift, just click the link below!

Lavender Field events will start in late June – keep an eye on our website or social media channels for more information.

Castle Farm Lavender4

Castle Farm

Castle Farm is the largest Lavender farm in the UK.

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