7th December 2021
To build awareness and drive more footfall to the Bluewater store, Produced in Kent have commissioned industry partner 360vista to produce an interactive virtual tour.
The tour will allow customers to ‘walk’ around the store and explore some of the producer stalls in the shop and learn more about the stories behind the products for sale, as well as discovering what each has to offer by means of tours and other customer experiences.
produce modular virtual tours for all types of venues/businesses: hospitality, education, manufacturing, retail or tourism. In fact anywhere a professional website or social media linked remote viewing (or teleconference/zoom “show round”) can re-assure potential clients, for either more actual visits and/or increased bookings/orders.
Peter from 360Vista said: “In a covid influenced world, virtual tours are a key marketing tool for many types of business, not just for hotels or house sales. We code our own tours, so anything you can do on a website can be integrated in our virtual tour. They’re easy to integrate into websites and social media, and they’re a great sales tool for highlighting business benefits as you show customers around on a zoom meeting.”
The Produced in Kent shop project is a partnership between Landsec, Produced in Kent and its members. Since the shop opened in October, the number of brands showcased at the premises opposite Next in the Lower Thames Walk at Bluewater has grown from the original 8, to 12, with more brands set to appear in the retail space between now and Christmas.
You can take your own virtual tour of the Produced in Kent at Bluewater shop here: https://360vista.net/tour/pink/
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