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15th November 2023

Unbeleafable Salad that stays fresh for Boxing Day, plus recipes

It's Unbeleafable - for the FIRST time, a supermarket salad you can eat on Boxing Day that was grown in England in December. Scroll down for two festive recipes...

Unbeleafable® is the only supermarket salad that is grown all winter long in Kent, England

Unbeleafable is the first-ever salad range grown by a vertical farm in the UK that is available in Tesco

The UK imports 90% of its salad in the winter - but Unbeleafable is grown in the UK year-round

Unbeleafable stays fresher for longer than any other ready-to-eat bagged salads in the UK - so less waste

The salad is grown, without pesticides, in a high-tech environment which creates perfect growing conditions

It's the ultimate Christmas gift to the environment and to consumers' own purses. This year, for the first time, consumers can buy a freshly English-grown salad to enjoy over Christmas, from their local Tesco supermarket.

The Unbeleafable salad range is the perfect Boxing Day salad to have with leftovers, and, unlike all other supermarket-bought bagged salads in December, this one will have been grown in England in December and not imported from overseas.

The UK imports 90% of its salad in the winter* (and nearly 70% the rest of the year) because we do not have the climate to grow greens - but that is changing. The country's leading vertical farm, GrowUp Farms, is growing the Unbeleafable range in its highly controlled indoor environment in Kent, using state-of-the-art tech to create the perfect Mediterranean spring day, every day.

Which means that we can now buy British-grown salad, even in December, and, because it stays fresher for longer than other bagged salads, the brand can also help people cut down on food waste over the festive period, which is great news as recent research** found that a concerning 98% of consumers say they throw away bagged salad.

Kate Hofman, Founder of GrowUp Farms, says: "At GrowUp Farms we've been growing unbelievably good leaves for over a decade and our Unbeleafable range has been in Tesco since the summer. It's very exciting to think that this Christmas, for the first time, families will be able to eat fresh English-grown salad bought from a supermarket - cutting down on food miles and waste while enjoying the festive celebrations. And, because it hasn't been grown with pesticides, or chlorine-washed, or had to travel far, it will last throughout the Christmasperiod in the fridge."

Unbeleafable salad also doesn't cost the earth, retailing at £1.50 for a 90g bag.


Unbeleafable® Wreath Salad with Pomegranate and Pear


¼ cup - apple cider vinegar

3 tbsps - olive oil

1 tsp - Dijon mustard

2 ½ Maple syrup

Add a pinch - salt and pepper

1 bag of Unbeleafable rocket & baby leaves

1 pear

¾ cup - Pomegranate seeds

½ cup - Feta Cheese


In a small bowl, mix together the olive oil, Dijon mustard, maple syrup, apple cider vinegar, salt and pepper.

Next, get out your large circular platter or tray. Place the bowl or ramekin with the dressing in the centre of the platter. Carefully arrange the Unbeleafable salad leaves around the bowl so that it resembles a wreath. Arrange the pear slices, pomegranate seeds, and feta cheese on top of the salad.

Unbeleafable® Christmas Turkey Leftovers Sandwich


2 thick slices of leftover roast turkey

4 slices of brown bread

25g mayonnaise

15g salted butter

1 tbsp Dijon mustard

2 tbsps. cranberry sauce

1 bag Unbeleafable crisp green leaves


Spread the mayonnaise over one side of each of the two remaining bread slices and butter the other sides. Spread the mustard over the butter on one of the slices, then spread the cranberry sauce over the butter on the second slice. Season both slices lightly. Then place the slices of turkey and the add Unbeleafable Salad. Finally, cut it in half and serve.

Mild Tender insta 4

Fresh Leaf Co

Our deliciously crisp leaves stay fresher for longer. There is no need to wash off any nasties, as we don’t use them. So you can eat them, straight out of the bag! We only grow in the UK, building resilience into the British food ecosystem.