15th September 2021
Lots going on at Wonderchup as we have just launched onto Ocado. Our founder, Élise Daly was a finalist in three awards. And finally, very excited to announce that we will be popping up as part of marvellous Macknade’s new cafe and dining at Hoopers in Tunbridge Wells.
We are super proud and to announce that we have just launched onto Ocado. Ocado are a great brand and with their efficient eco drive, it's a brilliant time for Wonderchup to be part of their online store. We are so happy to have more new friends being human, mind and planet kind!
Exciting news from Kent Women in Business Awards last Friday. Our founder, Élise Daly was a finalist in three awards. She came away with an Innovation prize 2021, runner up, and was a finalist for a Business Growth award 2021 and also the big one - Entrepreneur of the Year 2021. Delighted that the winner of Entrepreneur of the Year was recognised for her herculean effort of building a school in a year for extra special wonderful children during the pandemic!
Lastly, very excited indeed to announce that we will be popping up as part of marvellous Macknade’s new cafe and dining at Hoopers in Tunbridge Wells. Macknade and Hoopers are wonderFULL family brands, so this little family brand couldn’t be happier to join in not least because we have been waiting for AGES for Macknades to come to our next of the woods too!
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