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Chris Peach General Manager of The Spitfire limbers up for his world record attempt with a pint of refreshing Spitfire

15th August 2022

Pub Manager Raises The Bar With Guinness World Record Attempt For The Most Pubs Visited In 24 Hours

A pub manager has set himself the ultimate challenge – to break the Guinness World Record for the most pubs visited in 24 hours.

Chris Peach, who is the General Manager of Shepherd Neame’s popular Spitfire pub in Kings Hill, needs to visit more than 56 pubs in one day’s slot to qualify for the world record.

Chris is hoping to break the record set in June by a Welshman who visited 56 pubs in the timeslot – and who only drank two pints of beer across the entire crawl.

Chris’s own challenge could be similarly sober as to break the record he need only buy a 125ml drink in each pub – it does not have to be alcoholic. He is planning to alternate alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks at the pubs en route.

Though the end of the attempt could see a few pints downed as it will finish in his stomping ground at The Spitfire, cheered on by his team members and regulars!

He has plotted a course of a total of 60 pubs, starting at just after 12 noon on Saturday, September 24, mostly in central London, and including Shepherd Neame’s Mabel’s Tavern, and ending the next morning, hitting seven pubs in West Malling, and rounding off at The Spitfire.

He is being ably assisted by Spitfire regular Adrian Burke, who has helped him plot the course and will be monitoring the crawl en route.

He also needs witness statements at each pub to prove he has visited, and two witnesses every four hours - something his team at The Spitfire are helping with.

Chris, who has been General Manager at the pub for six years, and has been with the independent family brewer for 16, said: “They are all pretty used to my weird and random ideas! Some of them are even going to help by being witnesses for me.

“It’s a team effort – plus my wingman Adrian has helped me organise the route and timings.”

Chris is also doing the attempt to raise funds for his niece, Amelia Rose, who was born with a cleft lip, and lives in Africa, so is unable to receive NHS treatment and needs to pay for surgery at Great Ormond Street Hospital privately. Fundraising events have also included a sponsored walk at Mount Snowdon.

“It is because of this that I decided to give myself a not so little challenge and use the record attempt as a fundraiser to help my niece get the treatment she needs,” he said.

Some later opening times on Sunday mornings have hampered Chris’s plans, which originally were due to finish in the home of his employer, Shepherd Neame, in Faversham. But fittingly for Chris, will now finish at The Spitfire.

“Originally, I was hoping to do all Shepherd Neame pubs and fill in the gaps with some others but it was harder than you’d think,” he said. “But if there's one thing I'm good at, it's drinking Sheps beers, in Sheps pubs so I will be having a few at the end!”

To donate to Amelia Rose’s fund go to:

To find out more about the Spitfire in Liberty Square, Kings Hill, ME19 4AU, call 01732 220754 or visit

Spitfire single bottle glass

Shepherd Neame Ltd

The fifth-generation independent family business produces Kentish ales of such renown that they are afforded Protected Geographical Indication from the EU.