4th August 2021
Summer Tasting Sessions starting this Saturday on the Ground Floor at Hoopers, from 11am to 3pm.
Customers will be able to join Macknade, every Saturday throughout August, to meet some of the region’s best producers, sample their fantastic products and find out more about the all day dining space, opening in September.
Here’s a list of the sessions: https://macknade.com/whats-on/tastings/
Saturday 7th August Macknade X Goupie & Charringtons Cider
Saturday 14th August Macknade X Folc Wines
Saturday 21st August Macknade X Mereworth Wines
Saturday 28th August A Bank Holiday Feast with Macknade X Kingcott Cheese & Benchmark Brewery
Mentioned in this post
Macknade creates spaces and experiences that bring communities together around a shared love of food & drink.
Mentioned in this post
Two award winning blue cheeses made on our dairy farm, Kentish Blue & Kingcott Blue, with milk from our gorgeous girls.
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